Plan Name Premium Pay Periods Deductible Percentage YOU pay after deductible Out of Pocket Maximum


This chart will show you which insurance is best for you based on health insurance costs. Insurances are hard to understand enough to understand based on all the different information so this was created to give a quick visual of which plan is best based on your needs.

Here are a few examples on how I use the chart:

I rarely have medical problems so example 1 fits me best.

Example 1:

I expect not to go to the hospital at all. So i am expecting to have no medical costs at all this year. I then just care about the zero for medical costs. I can see that Solution 2500 is my best option because it is cheapest in premiums.

But what if I have expenses? That leads us into...

Example 2:

Pretend that I have expected medical costs. Let's say I expect to have between 5500 and 6250 medical costs every year because of a chronic illness. I then look at the chart to see which line is at the bottom of the chart in that location. It looks like the PPO 20 would be my best option.

What if you want to prepare for the worst?

Example 3:

If you are prepare for the worst, just look at the far right of the chart. The lines level off there because that is where max out of pocket expenses come into play. Again, look at the lowest line. That is the absolute most you will spend including premiums except anything that is excluded from out of pocket expenses. There are some things. Check your plan. In my case it is the Solution 2500 again.


After actually taking the time to chart this out, my conclusion is that health insurance uses copays and deductibles as a kind of a red herring. All of my plans are either named after the deductible or the copay. When in reality, the more important part seems to be the premium with max out of pocket expense as a distant second (distant because they tend to be similar enough across the different plans). If your premiums are low enough, the money saved will make up for the cost of the deductible and probably the different in the out of pocket max. They did for me.

If you remove the Solution 2500 plan, it is slightly more interesting. The PPO 40 plan is the best plan then assuming you will have less than $4300 in medical costs. However then the PPO 20 plan becomes the better choice.


Your graph doesn't make sense.

I'm sorry. I tried to best explain it using the samples. I will try once more right here briefly. Medical costs are what the bill is assuming you don't have insurance. The bill is then offset by the percentage the insurance company will pay after you have reached your deductible. So that is where the "Your Costs" axis comes into play. The lower the number the better because that is YOUR final bill (including all year worth of premiums).

Copays matter. My family goes to the doctor a lot, why are you leaving them out?

They get complicated. Do you have a flat rate copay for a doctor or a percentage? Is it deductible waived? Do you want to see the copays for the different tiers of medicines? It is just too much to put on this chart. The point of the chart is to eyeball a rate to get an idea of what plan gives the best rates per level of medical cost.

The biggest difference in doctor visit copays is between PPO 40 ($40 copay) and Premier 10 ($10 copay). If you have a family that is going to the doctor, that Premier 10 plan costs around $1000 dollars a pay period. So I think you would have to be in a rather extreme situation to need to care about the $30 dollar spread. And if you ARE in that situation, then you really need to evaluate your options much better than this graph can explain things.

Your webpage design sucks!

I know :(

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